Warring States Papers
Studies in Chinese and Comparative Philology
Volume 5 (2025)This is probably the final volume of WSP. Shown here are a number of articles previously assembled, from which (or instead of which) the final contents will be selcted. That process will be taken up presently. Meanwhile, Advisor suggestions o\about which of these studies, or what Sinololgical topics not here represented, should be included in this last volume, will be much appreciated.
Front Matter
Front Cover
Inside Front Cover (Editorial and Advisory Boards)
Title Page and Verso (Copyright and Bibliographic Information)
PrefaceMethodology and Comparative
Confucius Quotes in Mencius (A Taeko Brooks)
Kennedy's Equation 5 (E Bruce Brooks)
Eight Mencian Doublets (A Taeko Brooks)
Notch (E Bruce Brooks)
Nestor's Wall (E Bruce Brooks)
On Thought (A E Housman)Texts
The Promiscuous Shr 168 (A Taeko Brooks)
The Deplorable Songs of Jvng (E Bruce Brooks)
The Jou-nan Poems (E Bruce Brooks)
The Bin Poems (E Bruce Brooks)
The Shvng Min Decade (E Bruce Brooks)
The Chvng-wang Shr (E Bruce Brooks)
The Jou-gung Shu (A Taeko Brooks)
The Yi (E Bruce Brooks)
The Pentagram Theory (E Bruce Brooks)
The MZ 41 Logical Explanations (A Taeko Brooks)
Mwodz 48 (E Bruce Brooks)
The Szma Fa (A Taeko Brooks)
The Other Szma Fa (Sam Krentzman and E Bruce Brooks)
Mencius 5 (E Bruce Brooks)
The Sywndz Writings (A Taeko Brooks)
The Da Sywe (A Taeko Brooks)
Jwangdz 11 (A Taeko Brooks)
Jwangdz 12 (A Taeko Brooks)
Jwangdz 13 (A Taeko Brooks)
Jwangdz 14 (A Taeko Brooks)
The Jan-gwo Tsv in the Shr Ji (Eric Henry)
The Chu/Han Chun/Chyou (Stephen W Durrant)
Historical Studies
Extended Mourning in the Chun/Chyou (A Taeko Brooks)
Hwa Ywaen (E Bruce Brooks)
Sunshu Au (William G Crowell and E Bruce Brooks)
The Earliest Micians (A Taeko Brooks)
Shan Jing (West) (E Bruce Brooks)
Yen Ywaen (E Bruce Brooks)
Steppe Trade (Peng Ke)
Early Yin and Yang (Joseph Elacqua)
Hwei Shr (E Bruce Brooks)
Chun'yw Kun (E Bruce Brooks)
Ngwei An-wang (E Bruce Brooks)
Jwangdzian Statecraft (A Taeko Brooks)
Hou Ji (E Bruce Brooks)
Animal Fables in Jan-gwo Tsv (Eric Henry)
The Official Title Yw-shr (E Bruce Brooks)End Matter
Chinese Romanization Table 251-254
Text Abbreviations 255
Journal and Monograph Abbreviations 256
For Contributors:
Guidelines for Authors
Author Agreement
Other Contents Pages:
WSP v1 (2010)
WSP v2 (2022)
WSP v3 (2023)
WSP v4 (2024)
WSP v5 (2025)