Warring States Papers
Studies in Chinese and Comparative Philology
Volume 2 (2022)This volume includes a comprehensive Text Formation Primer and introduces the BIRD stylistic test, continues the exploration of Mencius, and gives special attention to the Shr and the Jwangdz. In Historical Studies, there are investigations of Spring and Autumn personalities, responses to recently excavated texts, and explorations of the economy and the supernatural.
Front Matter
Front Cover
Title Page
Language and Methodology
Penumbra of Acquaintance (E Bruce Brooks), 11
02Fei and Certain Related Words (E Bruce Brooks), 13
03The Authorship of the Jwangdz (E Bruce Brooks), 17
04Redating in the Samguk Sagi (Jonathan W Best), 19
05A Text Formation Primer (E Bruce Brooks, Jacob L Wright), 21
06Departure from Expectation (E Bruce Brooks), 25
07 * Stylistic Difference in Chinese and Greek (E Bruce and A Taeko Brooks), 27
08The Fisherman Fallacy (E Bruce Brooks), 43
Spring and Autumn
Chvng Fvng of Jwan-yw (E Bruce Brooks), 49
10Gungsun Swei of Lu (A Taeko Brooks), 53
11Rvn in the Chun/Chyou (A Taeko Brooks), 57
12The Warring States Transition (E Bruce Brooks), 62
The Classical Texts
Some Common Lines in the Shr (A Taeko Brooks), 65
14Another Note on Shr 220 (E Bruce Brooks), 71
15Shr 189 and Its Neighbors (E Bruce Brooks). 75
16Localisms in the Wei Poems, 82
17The Two Nan (E Bruce Brooks), 88
18Disorderly Intoxication in the Shr (A Taeko Brooks), 94
19The Jyou Gau (A Taeko Brooks), 98
20The Shu (E Bruce Brooks), 101
21Jou Evidence for Yi Divination (E Bruce Brooks), 105
Early Warring States (05c - Early 04c)
A Confucian Irony in LY 4:15 (César Guarde), 113
23Oral Tradition in Analects 9 (A Taeko Brooks), 116
24Dz-sz (E Bruce Brooks), 118
25MZ 35-37 "Against Fate" (A Taeko Brooks), 121
26 * The Mician Singlet Chapters (E Bruce Brooks), 126
27Supernatural Retribution in WS Texts (Alvin P Cohen), 128
28Ghosts and Spirits in Mician Thought (A Taeko Brooks), 133
29Doubling in Dzwo Jwan (Eric Henry), 137
30 * The Sundz (E Bruce Brooks), 143High Warring States (Mid and Late 04c)
Indica in the Meditation Texts (A Taeko Brooks), 149
32The Proprietors of the Dau/Dv Jing (E Bruce Brooks), 151
33Gwandz 49: The Nei Ye (E Bruce Brooks), 155
34Gwandz 2 (E Bruce Brooks), 158
35Gwandz 7 (E Bruce Brooks), 163
36The Dates of Mencius (E Bruce Brooks), 166
37Again the Mencius 1 Interviews (E Bruce Brooks), 168
38Pleasure in Mencius 1 (Andrew Lambert), 171
39Mencius 2A2 in Meditation Context (A Taeko Brooks), 177
40Confucius in the Mencius (A Taeko Brooks), 181
Late Warring States (03c) to Han
The Career of Sywndz (E Bruce Brooks), 189
42Jwangdz Editions (E Bruce Brooks), 198
43The Disunity of the Jwangdz "Inner" Chapters (E Bruce Brooks), 201
44The Negative Jwang Jou (E Bruce Brooks), 208
45Jwangdz 4 (A Taeko Brooks), 210
46The Theme of Uselessness in the Jwangdz (Dan Robins), 213
47Jwangdz 5 (A Taeko Brooks), 217
48Jwangdz 6 (A Taeko Brooks), 220
49Jwangdz 33 (A Taeko Brooks), 222
50Warring States Economy and Trade, 227
51Fouchyou Bwo (E Bruce Brooks), 232
52Szma Tan and the Shr Ji (E Bruce Brooks), 234
End Matter
Outline Chronology, 239
Chinese Romanization Table, 251
Text Abbreviations, 255
Journal and Monograph Abbreviations, 256
*Uses the BIRD stylistic difference test
For Contributors:
Guidelines for Authors
Author Agreement
Other Contents Pages:
WSP v1 (2010)
WSP v2 (2022)
WSP v3 (2023)
WSP v4 (2024)
WSP v5 (2025)