Warring States Papers
Studies in Chinese and Comparative Philology



Seal of the Warring States Project (Click to Return to Home Page)



Volume 3 (2023)


Front Matter

Front Cover
Inside Front Cover (Editorial and Advisory Boards)
Title Page and Verso (Copyright and Bibliographic Information)

Methodology and Comparative

Contact Between Warring States Texts (E Bruce Brooks)
Mwodz Citations in the Yendz Chun/Chyou (Stephen W Durrant)
Verb Aspect in the Mician Canons (E Bruce Brooks)
The Wu Dance (E Bruce Brooks)
A Confucian Irony in LY 4:15 (César Guarde)
Oral Tradition in Analects 9 (E Bruce Brooks)
Four Classical Military Texts (A Taeko Brooks)
The Wu and Yue Chapters in Guoyu (Eric Henry)

The Binomial Distribution (E Bruce Brooks)
The Boar's Tusk Fallacy (E Bruce Brooks)
Indica in Warring States Texts (A Taeko Brooks)


The Shr (E Bruce Brooks)
More Common Lines in the Shr (A Taeko Brooks)
The Yung Decade (E Bruce Brooks)
The Wei Decade (E Bruce Brooks)
The Wang Decade (E Bruce Brooks)
The Shu Addressed to Fvng (A Taeko Brooks)
Chu Material in the Dzwo Jwan (Barry B Blakeley)
The Tauwu of Chu (E Bruce Brooks)
The Formation of the Mician Corpus (A Taeko Brooks)
Mwodz 46 (E Bruce Brooks)
The Gwandz Meditation Chapters (A Taeko Brooks)
Shang-jywn Shu 11-12 (E Bruce Brooks)
Mencius 3 (E Bruce Brooks)

The Jwangdz Primitivists (A Taeko Brooks)
The Early Jan-gwo Tsv (Pamela Tuffley and Amy Potthast)
Fang Bau on the Shr Ji (E Bruce Brooks)
The Two Ways (E Bruce Brooks)

Historical Studies

Killing in the Chun/Chyou (A Taeko Brooks)
Jau Dun (A Taeko Brooks)
Dzang Wvn-jung (A Taeko Brooks)
Yi Transmission (E Bruce Brooks)
The Marriage of Wu Mvngdz (E Bruce Brooks)
The Death of Confucius (E Bruce Brooks)
One (E Bruce Brooks)
The Third Master (Franklin Perkins)
Ngwei Syang-wang (E Bruce Brooks)
Ji-sya (E Bruce Brooks)
Shan Jing (Center) (E Bruce Brooks)
The Dates of Mencius (E Bruce Brooks)
The Shangbwo Calligraphers (Zhongwei Shen)
Against Dzung-fa (Constance A Cook)
Indigo (Alvin P Cohen)
Green (E Bruce Brooks)
Confucian Values and the Four Yi (Eric Henry)
The Shaman's Revenge (E Bruce Brooks)
Shang Chariot Warfare (David N Keightley)

Bernoulli (E Bruce Brooks)


Chinese Romanization Table 251-254
Text Abbreviations 255
Journal and Monograph Abbreviations 256

For Contributors:
Guidelines for Authors
Author Agreement

Other Contents Pages:
WSP v1 (2010)
WSP v2 (2022)
WSP v3 (2023)
WSP v4 (2024)
WSP v5 (2025)

Contact the Editors


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