The Project's journal Alpha makes available, in conveniently citable form, leading-edge research from our study group and its wider acquaintance circle. Its scope is the Biblical texts, along with comparative investigations in Indic and Homeric antiquity. Like its older sister journal Warring States Papers, it focuses on the methodology proper to all text-based historical research; some articles on methodology are featured in both journals. Alpha has no confessional commitment, and offers to contributors and readers a forum where the higher criticism, the question of how the texts got to be the way they are, can be consistently and peaceably pursued.
Alpha v1 (2017) Alpha v2 (2022), in final revision) Alpha v3 (2023), taking shape) Alpha v4 (2024), some articles completed but not yet assigned to a volume Alpha v5 (2025), probalby the final volume of Alpha; contents not determined.A Master Plan for future Alpha volumes (tentative, and periodically updated) is here. Suggestions for future research are welcome.