Biblical and Comparative Studies
Volume 3 (2023)
This volume introduces the BIRD test for Biblical Hebrew. Other highlights include studies of growth and interaction in several Hebrew Bible texts, and in Matthew and the other Gospels. There are studies of Paul's letters and his knowledge of Roman law, some New Testament apocrypha, and the question of Hillel.
Selection is in progress; comments on articles here uploaded are most welcome. Time is running out, and suggestions for topics to be included, here on in future volumes of Alpha, will be appreciated.
Front Matter
Front Cover
Editors and Advisors (Inside Front Cover)
Title Page and Verso
Menander in Corinth, 9
03The Omphalos Absurdity, 13
04Aramaic Passages in Hebrew Texts,
05 * Stylistic Difference in Biblical Hebrew, 24
06Leopold von Ranke
Additions to the Rg Veda, 39
08The Upanishad Revolution
An Aristeia of Agamemnon, 47
10The Cave of the Cyclops (E Bruce Brooks and Keith L Yoder), 60
11The Euryalos Episode, 63
Hebrew Bible
Habiru, 67
13 * Noah's Flood (E Bruce Brooks and Keith L Yoder), 69
14Pharaoh's Chariots, 77
15Second Moses
16The Twelve Tribes, 91
17The Song of Deborah, 98
John the Baptist, Early Witnesses, Mark, Paul
22John and Jesus, 131
23"Verily" in Mark, 133
24Obliteration in Mk 9:19, 139
25Demas, 142
26 * Interim Ethics in Galatians, 144
27Roman Jurisprudence in Galatians (Christiaan W Kappes), 146
281 Corinthians, 154
29The Styles of Paul (Keith L Yoder), 162
30. Paul and the Law
Deutero-Paulines, Matthew, Luke, Acts
The Ephesians Code, 173
32 * The Pastoral Epistles, 176
33 * Matthew's Sermon on the Mount, 182
36Doublets in Luke, 192
37Again Luke 9:41, 196
39 * Peter in Acts, 199
Johannines, Apocrypha, Gnostic, Rabbinic
40 * The Farewells of Jesus in John, 203
41The Transformation of Mark in John, 207
42 * The Crisis in 1 Peter, 211
43Tiberius Iulius Augustus (Jacob L Wright), 213
44Polarities in 1 John, 217
45 * 2-3 John (Keith L Yoder), 231
46Thomas B, 232
47Thecla and Mygdonia, 235
48Brat Jesus, 237
49The Kerygmata Petrou, 242
50Hillel, 248
End Matter
Chronology, 251
Journal Abbreviations, 255
Frequently Cited Works, 256
Order and Indexing Informati0on (Back Inside Cover)
*These articles feature the BIRD stylistic difference test
For Contributors:
Guidelines for Authors
Style Sheet
Author Agreement
Other Contents Pages:
Alpha v1 (2017)
Alpha v2 (2022)
Alpha v3 (2023)
Alpha v4 (2024)
Alpha v5 (2025