Under this rubric, we offer a diverse group of things, some of them preserved by popular request, for future reference. They divide roughly into the lexical and the statistical. In the first category are texts, whole books, a supplement to our work on the Analects, notes and indexes to other people's books, and notes on languages such as classical Chinese (a remnant of our former online Primer), French, and Latin. Come information about books and people conclude this category.
In the second category is another remnant (from a former Statistics primer), preceded by a practical significance measure that one can compute in one's head while at a Department meeting, and followed by accounts of some major figures of the statistical past.
- Texts and Surveys of Texts
- C-Texts (Sergey Zinin; at UMass)
- Overview of Classical Texts (Bruce and Taeko Brooks, at Heidelberg)
- By Project Principals
- Other Books and Notes to Books
- Brooks, The Original Analects (Complete Text)
- Brooks, The Original Analects (Supplement)
- Brooks, The Original Analects (Interview with Tao Youlan, 2019)
- Cikoski, Notes for a Lexicon of Classical Chinese (final 2011 version, including Gwodyen citations)
- Cohen, Introduction (Errata List)
- Granet, Fêtes et Chansons (Shr index)
- Saussy, Problem of a Chinese Aesthetic (Shr index)
- Snodgrass, Stories With Intent (Parables index)
- Waley, The Book of Changes (Hexagram index)
- Wang, The Bell and the Drum (Shr index)
- Refutation by Taeko (in WSP v2)
- Languages
- Information and Access
- Early Christian Bishops
- Bookshop (at Amazon)
- Festival Calendars
- Practical
- An Easy Significance Test (from WSP v2)
- Theoretical
- The Poisson Distribution (all that remains of our old Statistics Primer)
- Personal
For more comments on books, see the Reviews sedtion of this site.
All materials on this site are Copyright © 1993 or subsequently by the Warring States Project or by individual author
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