Warring States Project

The Project is an investigation, sustained over more than 60 years, into the classical Chinese, Biblical, Indic, and Homeric traditions, It received its present name in 1993, on becoming associated with the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Three books, The Original Analects (Columbia 1998), The Emergence of China (2015), and Jesus and After (2017), have so far been published. Briefer studies appear in the Project's two journals, Warring States Papers (2010-), for matters Sinological, and and Alpha (2017-), for other ancient traditions. The Project has hosted more than twenty conferences at the University and elsewhere, and Project Principals E Bruce and A Taeko Brooks have presented papers in this country and in Montréal, Toronto, Paris, Leiden, Tokyo, and Singapore.

This site is the contact point for those interested in the Project's continuing work. We note with pleasure that the Project's results have attracted attention in its Sinological home territory (our 1998 Analects study has been translated into Chinese), and in other areas of humanistic inquiry (our picture of the formation and interaction of texts in classical China has been found suggestive for students of the Hebrew Bible). For us, this wider interest emphasizes that, for all the local differences, there is also a sense in which humanity and its doings are ultimately one.

The Project explores those differences, and celebrates that unity.

All materials on this site are Copyright © 1993 or subsequently by the Warring States Project or by individual authors

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