Works CitedSome have been mentioned in these pages, whether favoraboly or otherwise; others in various ways bring up aspects of work with texts, as well as the ways of authors, ancient and modern. This list was compiled years ago, and is accordingly heavy on NT matters, but there is no profit at the present ime (2022) in tryign to rebalance the list. It will do for a specimen, and hopefully keep in vierw some of the classical works on our subject - those from the now distant early 20th century.
A clickable title leads to the page at Amazon (or other dealer) where that title may be ordered or searched. These links are provided courtesy of the Warring States Bookshop, which receives a small royalty on those sales. The price to the purchaser is not increased.
- Kurt Aland and Barbara Aland. The Text of the New Testament. 2ed Eerdmans 1989
- Charles E Bennett and John C Rolphe. Horace: The Complete Works. Allyn 1934
- W I B Beveridge. The Art of Scientific Investigation. Norton 1950
- G M Bolling. The External Evidence for Interpolation in Homer. Oxford 1925
- Liliana A Boneva. A New Approach to a Problem of Chronological Seriation Associated with the Works of Plato. In: Hodson Mathematics 173-185
- E Bruce Brooks. Alexandrian Motifs in Chinese Texts. SPP #96 (1999)
- E Bruce Brooks and A Taeko Brooks. Intellectual Dynamics of the Warring States Period. Studies in Chinese History #7 (December 1997)
- E Bruce Brooks and A Taeko Brooks. Nature and Context of the Mencius. (in Chan Mencius)
- E Bruce Brooks and A Taeko Brooks. The Original Analects. Columbia 1998 (PB 2001)
- E Bruce Brooks. The Present State and Future Prospects of Pre-Han Text Studies. In: SPP #46 (July 1994) 1-74
- E Bruce Brooks and A Taeko Brooks. Word Philology and Text Philology in LY 9:1. In: Van Norden
- F F Bruce. The Acts of the Apostles. 3ed Eerdmans 1990
- P Buneman. The Recovery of Trees from Measures of Dissimilarity. In: Hodson Mathematics 387-395
- Luciano Canfora. The Vanished Library (1987). California 1990
- Alan K L Chan ed. Mencius. Hawaii 2001
- N E Collinge. The Structure of Horace's Odes. Oxford 1961
- Herrlee G Creel. Shen Pu-hai. Chicago 1974
- James I Crump Jr. Chan-kuo Ts'e. Michigan 1996
- Helena Dettmer. Horace: A Study in Structure. Olms 1983
- David Dubal. Reflections From the Keyboard. Summit 1984
- J J L Duyvendak. The Book of Lord Shang. Probsthain 1928, repr Chicago 1963
- Benjamin A Elman. From Philosophy to Philology: Intellectual and Social Aspects of Change in Late Imperial China. 2ed APM 2001
- Eldon J Epp. Decision Points in New Testament Textual Criticism. In: Epp Studies
- Eldon J Epp. The Multivalence of the Term "Original Text" in New Testament Textual Criticism. HTR v92 (1999) 245-281
- Eldon J Epp. The Significance of the Papyri for Determining the Nature of the New Testament Text in the Second Century. In: Epp Studies
- Eldon J Epp. The Twentieth-Dentury Interlude in New Testament Textual Criticism. In: Epp Studies
- Eldon J Epp and Gordon D Fee. Studies in the Theory and Method of New Testament Textual Criticism. Eerdmans 1993.
- Gordon D Fee. P75, P66, and Origen: The Myth of Early Textual Recension in Alexandria. In: Epp Studies
- Gordon D Fee. Textual Criticism of the New Testament. In: Epp Studies
- Richard P Feynman. Surely You're Joking, Mr Feynman. Norton 1985
- Eduard Fraenkel. Horace. Oxford 1957
- L C Goodrich. The Literary Inquisition of Ch'ien Lung. Waverly 1935
- Anthony Grafton. Forgers and Critics. Collins 1990
- A C Graham. Later Mohist Logic, Ethics, Chinese University of Hong Kong 1999
- G M A Grube. Plato's Republic. Hackett 1974
- J Haigh. The Manuscript Linkage Problem, in: Hodson Mathematics 396-400
- Philip Gilbert Hamerton. The Intellectual Life (1904). Tuttle 1980.
- N G L Hammond. The Oxford Classical Dictionary. Oxford 2ed 1970 [cf 3ed]
- John B Henderson. Scripture, Canon, and Commentary. Princeton 1991
- F R Hodson, D G Kendall, and P Táutu. Mathematics in the Archaeological and Historical Sciences. Edinburgh 1971
- Paul Hoffmann. The Man Who Loved Only Numbers. Hyperion 1998
- Oliver Wendell Holmes (ed Lief). The Dissenting Opinions of Mr Justice Holmes. Vanguard 1929
- Simon Hornblower and Antony Spawforth. The Oxford Classical Dictionary. Oxford 3ed 1996
- A E Housman. The Application of Thought to Textual Criticism. PCA v18 (1921) 67-84
- Arthur W Hummel (ed). Eminent Chinese of the Ch'ing Period. U S Government Printing Office 2v 1944
- [No Entry]
- [No Entry]
- Bernhard Karlgren. On The Authenticity and Nature of the Tso Chuan. Göteborgs Högskolas Årsskrift 32 (1926:3), and reprints
- George A Kennedy. [Review of Creel et al]. In: Kennedy Works 489-496
- George A Kennedy (ed Li). Selected Works of George A Kennedy. Far Eastern 1964
- Anthony Kenny. A Stylometric Study of the New Testament. Oxford 1986
- John Knoblock and Jeffrey Riegel. The Annals of Lü Buwei of Lü Buwei. Stanford 2001
- Richard A Lanham. A Handlist of Rhetorical Terms. 2ed California 1991
- Charles-Victor Langlois et Charles Seignobos. Introduction aux Études Historiques (1898); tr G G Berry as Introduction to the Study of History. Holt 1908
- W K Liao. Han Fei Tzu: Complete Works. Probsthain 1939 (v1), 1959 (v2)
- Michael Loewe ed. Early Chinese Texts. Society for the Study of Early China 1993
- Paul Maas. Textual Criticism. Oxford 1958
- John McPhee. A Roomful of Hovings. Farrar 1968
- Bruce M Metzger. The Text of the New Testament. 3ed Oxford 1992
- A Q Morton. Literary Detection. Scribner 1978
- A Q Morton and G H C MacGregor. The Structure of Luke and Acts. Harper 1964
- The New Greek-English Interlinear New Testament. 4ed Tyndale 1993
- S C Nita. Establishing the Linkage of Different Variants of a Romanian Chronicle. In: Hodson Mathematics 401-409
- Walter J Ong. Orality and Literacy. Methuen 1982
- Oxford Dictionary of Quotations. 3ed Oxford 1980
- T E Page. Q Horatii Flacci: Carminum Libri IV / Epodon Liber. Macmillan 1895
- Rudolph Pfeiffer. History of Classical Scholarship. 1968, 1976
- George Polya. How to Solve It Princeton 1945
- Stanley E Porter and Jeffrey T Reed (ed). Discourse Analysis and the New Testament. Sheffield 1999
- Michael C J Putnam. Artifices of Eternity: Horace's Fourth Book of Odes. Cornell 1986
- [No Entry]
- W Allyn Rickett. Guanzi. Princeton v1 1985 (rev Cheng and Tsui 2000), v2 1998
- Harold D Roth. The Textual History of the Huai-nan Tzu. AAS 1992
- J E Sandys. A History of Classical Scholarship. 1903, 1908, 1908
- Daniel Shanks. Solved and Unsolved Problems in Number Theory. 2ed Chelsea 1985
- Paul Shorey and Gordon J Laing. Horace: Odes and Epodes. Sanborn 1910
- Adam Sisman. The Friendship: Wordsworth and Coleridge. Harper 2006; Viking 2007
- Robert H Stein. The Synoptic Problem: An Introduction. Baker 1987
- Burnett Hillman Streeter. The Four Gospels. rev Macmillan 1936
- [No Entry]
- Bryan Van Norden. Confucius and the Analects. Oxford 2001
- John Martin Vincent. Historical Research: An Outline of Theory and Practice. Holt 1911; repr Burt Franklin 1974
- Helen Waddell. Mediaeval Latin Lyrics. 5ed Constable 1948
- Emil Wendling. Achilleus: Das Homerische Ur-Epos. Boltze 1927
- Martin L West. Textual Criticism and Editorial Technique. Teubner 1973
- Nicholas P White. A Companion to Plato's Republic. Hackett 1979
- Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff. Geschichte der Philologie 1921; tr as History of Classical Scholarship, Johns Hopkins 1982
- L P Wilkinson. Horace and His Lyric Poetry. Cambridge 1945
- [No Entry]
- [No Entry]
- Jan Ziolkowski. On Philology. Penn State 1990
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