Book Series
Studies in Early Christianity
These stgudies offer solutions to the many problems which arise in interpreting the New Testament texts. Chief of them is the Problem of Mark, seemingly the earliest of the four Gospels, but not including a Divine Birth story. The solution here proposed is that Mark was indeed the earliest Gospel,and for that reason, does not include a Divine Birth story. In that early period, Jesus was not himself considered divine. That idea arose only later, and by the fourth Gospel, that of John, Jesus has become fully equal to God.
Jesus and After: The First Eighty Years (2017)
The Gospels of MarkThe emergence of Christianity realized an ethical and universalistic tendency latent, but never dominant, in the Biblical tradition itself. For that deep background, see instead the series Studies in Antiquity, and the companion volume to Jesus and after. It is titled David and Before.
Available volumes in this and our other series may be ordered here.