Studies in Antiquity
David and Before:
A New Approach
E Bruce Brooks

The rise of the Kingdom was the great event in the history of the ancient Hebrews, and its fall was their great catastrophe. It meant the failure of the promise of God to David, and it also meant the end of the worldly aspirations of the people of Judah. The often contradictory Biblical texts are here approached as reflecting this tension between the sacred and the secular, and the continual evolution of each. Space is given to both the power centers, Canaan and Judah, and their theological as well as their commercial differences. Classical text analysis (detecting additions and interpolations, and determining the directionality of related passages) is supplemented by a new method of stylistic analysis.

These studies range from Hammurabi to the age of the Maccabees, and follow the multilocal Elohim belief to its gradual replacement by a Temple-based Yahweh cult, and note the Midianite origin of the Yahweh cult itself. They note the long persistence of the older Canaanite religion in Temple observances, and the legal changes which the process of centralization produced. The Septuagint Greek translation is often preferred to the customary, but later, Masoretic Hebrew text. The book ends with the perplexities of the post-Exilic period, the point at which the modern age begins - a world which is still in the process of discovery in our time.


Front Matter
Title Page

Orientation, 11
01Reading the Biblical Texts, 13
02The Setting, 16
03Contact With a God, 21
04Yahweh and El, 26
05Style, 28

Origin Myths, 31
06Creation, 33
07Eden, 35
08Cain and Abel, 37
09Seth, 39
10Noah's Flood, 40
11Babel, 45

From the North, 47
12Abram, 49
13Abraham. 54
14Isaac, 57
15The Dinah Affair, 60
16Jacob, 63
17Joseph, 67

From the South, 73
18Moses, 75
19Aaron, 78
20The Miracles, 80
21Pharaoh's Chariots, 82
22The Sinai Covenant, 85
23The Decalogue, 87
24The Exodus Festivals, 90

The Laws and The Kingship, 95
25Leviticus, 97
26The Holiness Code, 101
27Numbers, 105
28Balaam, 109
29The Daughters of Zelophehad, 112
30Deuteronomy, 116
31Additions to Deuteronomy, 120

Into the Land, 123
32Khirbet el-Mastarah, 125
33Caleb and the Twelve, 126
34Joshua, 131
35The Song of Deborah, 134
36Judges, 136

The United Kingdom, 143
37Samuel, 145
38Goliath, 148
39Saul, 150
40David, 154
41Solomon, 160
42Psalms of David, 166

The Divided Kingdoms, 171
43Ahab, 173
44Jezebel's Wedding, 174
45Elijah, 178
46Elisha, 180
Hezekiah, 183
48Josiah, 185
49Kings, 187
50The Torah Psalter, 192

Prophets of Exile, 195
51Obadiah, 197
52Micah, 199
53Haggai, 202
54Zechariah, 204
55Malachi, 207
56Jonah, 209
57First Isaiah, 210
58Second Isaiah, 214
59Third Isaiah, 217
60Jeremiah, 221

After the Return, 225
61Chronicles, 227
62The Samaritans, 232
63Nehemiah, 234
64Aramaic Passages, 237
65Ezra, 238
66Ruth, 242
67Tamar, 244

The Parting of the Ways, 245
68Rejecting Sacrifice, 247
69Job, 254
70Qoheleth, 258
71The Altar of Zeus, 260
72Last Words
, 263

End Matter, 265
Chronology, 267
Maps, 270
Works Cited, 272
Passages Included, 283
Subject Index, 286


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