To maximize discussion time for presentations at virtual EGL 2022 (18-19 March), here are some papers and/or handouts from the two HB sessions which have been shared by authors. All are available for prediscussion, or indeed for postdiscussion after the EGL meeting is over. To read a paper, click on that title. To send a comment to the author, click on the author's name. Papers and handouts, as PDF attachments, may be sent here, for posting on this page. Once posted, papers or handouts may be revised; simply send the revision to that address, and it will be substituted. In principle, comments and rejoinders may be added to any of these entries.
The EGL papers are here supplemented by studies on relevant topics, from past or forthcoming volumes of the Project's journal Alpha.
EGL: HB 1. Thursday 10 AM
Kyle C Dunham. The Woman who is a Snare: The Identity and Nature of the Female Figure in Eccl 7:25-29. Handout Andrew W Dyck. What If There Is Not Enough Evidence? Locusts in Joel 1:4 and 2:25. Handout- Hannah S An. Revisiting Ezra 1:1-4 with the Temple Building Inscriptions of Mesopotamia
EGL: HB 2. Friday 9 AM
Olugbemiro Berekiah. The Mystery of Election and the Eclipse of Divine Justice in the Jacob Stories. Handout Gabriel Estrada. Israel's Story in the Songs of Ascents: Toward a Missional Hermeneutic. Handout. Gordon Cletus L Hull III. The Work of the Spirit with Samson and Saul: Similarities and Contrasts. Abstract Catherine Petrany Briola. Ambiguous Silences and Creation's Praise in Psalms 19 and 65. Handout Joseph Sykora. Where Are My Roots? Reading Jeremiah 17:5-10 with Karl Rahner. HandoutSupplement: Papers From Alpha
- E Bruce Brooks and Jacob L Wright. Text Formation Primer (from Alpha v2, forthcoming)
- Lisberth S Fried. The Christianization of Ezra (from Alpha v2, forthcoming)
- Jacob L Wright. Tiberius Iulius Alexander (from Alpha v3, forthcoming)
Thanks to all who have shared their papers. May you have a fruitful experience at EGL, and wherever else your journeys may take you.
For more on the Project's own approach to these textual problems, see the Biblica section of this site.
All materials on this site are Copyright © 1993 or subsequently by the Warring States Project or by individual authors