Quotations M


Magna di curant, parva negligunt
The great matters the gods take care of; the little ones they ignore
Cicero, De Natura Deorum 2:167
a rationalization reached earlier by the authors of the Dzwo Jwan

Magnum vectigal est parsimonia
Frugality is a great income
Cicero, Paradoxa 6/3:49
here rescued as a quotable phrase from its original subordinate clause

Marcet sine adversario virtus
Prowess withers without opposition
Seneca, De Providentia 2:4

Mirum videtur quot sit factum iam diu
Does it seem wonderful merely because it was done so long ago?
Livius Andronicus, Aiax Mastigophorus

Petronius Arbiter

Mundus vult decipi
The world desires to be deceived
attributed to Petronius

Mutato nomine de te fabula narratur
Change but the name, and the story is told of you
Horace, Satires 1/1:69
preceded by a question; see at Quid


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