Original Analects Supplement
Works Cited

We here list some later editions of books included in the original Works Cited listing, along with some relevant works published since that time. Highlighted titles are linked to the corresponding Amazon page, where copies may be ordered online, courtesy of the Warring States Bookshop.

Ames Roger T and Henry Rosemont Jr. The Analects of Confucius: A Philosophical Translation. Ballantine 1998. This work appeared a few months after our own. It claims to be based on the Dingjou archaeological text, concerning which claim see our Review at the Publications page of the Project site.

Bloom Alfred H. The Linguistic Shaping of Thought: A Study in the Impact of Language on Thinking in China and the West. Erlbaum 1981.

Brooks E Bruce. The Life and Mentorship of Confucius. Sino-Platonic Papers #72 (May 1996). This was a forerunner of the material which appears in TOA Appendix 4; it is more complete at some points.

Brooks E Bruce and A Taeko Brooks. Intellectual Dynamics of the Warring States Period. Studies in Chinese History #7 (December 1997) 1-32. This is a survey of the intellectual milieu in which the Analects and other early Chinese texts arose and interacted with each other. It pulls together comments made at various points in TOA, along with other observations, into a general picture. It is a helpful supplement to the much briefer outline given in the TOA Introduction.

Brooks E Bruce and A Taeko Brooks. The Original Analects. Columbia 1998, PB 2001. This is the book to which the present pages are a Supplement; it is referred to in these pages as TOA.

Brooks E Bruce and A Taeko Brooks. Word Philology and Text Philology in Analects 9:1. Included in Van Norden 2002. This is useful as an expansion of the commentary to LY 9; besides the LY 9:1 crux, it explores the complicated pairing and double-pairing of sayings in that chapter, revealing a previously unsuspected pedagogical use of this device by the schoolmasters of the Analects group.

Girardot Norman. The Victorian Translation of China: James Legge's Oriental Pilgrimage. California 2002. This book is the final published form of half of what had begun as a single jointly-authored volume. For the other half, see at Pfister.

Graham A C. Later Mohist Logic, Ethics and Science. Chinese University Press 1978.

Hall David L and Roger T Ames. Thinking Through Confucius. SUNY 1987.

Jensen Lionel. Manufacturing Confucianism. Duke 1997. This work appeared a few months earlier than TOA, and reviewers have often bracketed the two together as being skeptical in the postmodernist vein. The bracketing is unwarranted (see the Postmodernism comment in the Responses section of this Supplement). Lionel's book deals with the reshaping of the image of Confucius in relatively modern times, from the Jesuit period to the 20c. Those conclusions don't affect the question explored by TOA, which is whether our knowledge of Confucius and his times is improved by philological sifting of the oldest text evidence. We find that it is improved, meaning that there is something factual back there, or at any rate more nearly factual, and we also find that the reprocessing of the Confucius image in the Warring States and Han itself has a historically intelligible character: it makes sense as the standard sort of propaganda myth.

Those unclear about historical methodology, or about the place of philology in that methodology, may now consult the Outline in the Methodology section of this site.

Knoblock John [and Jeffrey Riegel]. The Annals of Lü Buwei. Stanford 2000. This is the long awaited translation of the LSCC text, delayed in publication by the untimely death of the senior translator. Chinese characters are included for each text segment. The collation apparatus is very helpful; the notes for the guidance of the general reader are minimal.

Pfister Lauren. Striving for 'the Whole Duty of Man' — James Legge and the Scottish Protestant Encounter with China. 2v PB Peter Lang 2003. This book is the final published form of half of what had begun as a single jointly-authored volume. For the other half, see at Girardot.

Robins Dan. The Debate Over Human Nature in Warring States China. PhD Dissertation (University of Hong Kong) 2001.

So Jenny F. Music in the Age of Confucius. Smithsonian 2000. Lavishly illustrated with finds from the tomb of Lord Yi of the state of Dzvng, from c0433, supplemented with other archaeological material. Separate essays discuss different types of musical instruments, and aspects of musical culture, in the middle 05c.

Van Norden Brian W. Confucius and the Analects: New Essays. Oxford 2002. This collection contains our long paper on LY 9:1 and its implications for the compositional history of the Analects text. The paired-saying structure of LY 9 is explored, extending the point, earlier made in TOA, that the pairing of sayings is not a mere decoration of style, added by the compiler, but in many cases reflects a device of teaching by seeming opposition, not unlike the Zen koan: presenting the student with a moral or interpretational contradiction to work out by reflection.

Waley Arthur. The Book of Songs. Grove PB 1996. This version, edited and supplemented by Joseph R Allen, is not a reprint. It rearranges Waley's translations in the order of the standard text, which is the sequence in which we here refer to them. This amounts to a judgement that the original ordering is more illuminating than Waley's "anthropological" reordering. Allen has also provided translations of the fifteen poems Waley omitted, making this now the version of preference. Allen's comments are not always clearly distinguished from those of Waley.

Wardy Robert. Aristotle in China: Language, Categories, and Translation. Cambridge 2000. 

This Supplement is Copyright © 2001- by E Bruce and A Taeko Brooks

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