Original Analects Supplement
GlossaryThese are the characters needed for identification at particular places in the Supplement. Please use your browser arrow to return you to the page from which you accessed the entry in question.
bu4. X "not," the basic Chinese negative.
chin2. N musical instrument, typically with seven strings on a long lacquered wood body; played by holding it on the lap. Compare the similar but larger sv.
Chin2 Jang1. Name of a supposed follower of Confucius, who however never appears in the Analects, and does not figure on the disciple list analyzed in Appendix 4 (see TOA p277). He figures in one scholarly conjecture about the person named in LY 9:7; see our separate Note.
Dzwo3chyou1 Ming2. N an individual mentioned in 5:25. He is later considered to be a disciple of Confucius, but in 5:25 he is obviously a respected older contemporary of Confucius. NB: The name is sometimes divided as Dzwo Chyou-ming, but with some scholars we consider that Dzwo-chyou is the likelier early Warring States surname.
fu2 [originally fut]. X "not . . [it]," a contraction of the negative bu with a pronoun object jr which has been preposed because of the negation of the verb.
jin1 you3 yi1 rvn2. Phrase, ostensibly "Now there is a man," but idiomatically signalling a conjectural or hypothetical situation: "Suppose we have a man."
jr1. P an object pronoun: "him, them, it." By rule, it appears before the verb (but after the negative) if the verb is negated. It may there fuse phonetically with the negative itself, in which case it survives only as a final -t consonant in the resulting contraction. The classic case is bu + jr > fut. This contraction process is typical of Warring States Chinese, and (on the whole) does not hold either for earlier or later periods.
jr1. V "to know." May sometimes stand graphically for its noun derivative jr4 "wisdom" (see next), and vice versa.
jr4 . N "wisdom," V3 "be wise." May sometimes stand graphically for the original verb jr "know" (see preceding), and vice versa.
li4. N "advantage, profit;" V2 "regard as beneficial, confer benefits on; turn to one's advantage." This is a natural human value, later taken up as a touchstone by the utilitarian Micians. Becoming thus identified with a rival doctrine, it was opposed by the Mencians. The negative sense of li4 in the early Analects is not yet of this developed type.
rvn2. V3 humane, other-centered; benevolent.
sv4. N musical instrument, typically with twenty-five strings on a long and often richly decorated wooden body; it is held on the lap while being played. Compare the similar but smaller chin2.
su4. N hurry, flurry [a possible Chi dialect word].
Yi4. The Chinese Classic of Changes.
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