11-12 Jan 2008 / University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Text Formation in AntiquityWSWG 24 was meant to investigate accretional and other long text formation processes in antiquity, to see what regularities emerge from comparison of examples, and what progress can be made on unsolved problems, with special attention to ethos transmutations, such as a war narrative being recast for a pacific audience, or a doctrinal repository adjusting to changes in doctrine.
AIn the event, funding was not secured and the conference never took place. The tentative program is here preserved for its possible interest.
Friday 23 Apr 2010
6 PM: Opening Banquet (location TBA)
Saturday 24 Apr 2010
Historical Examples9 AM: First Morning Session: War Into Peace I
The Iliad
The Chanson du Roland10:30 AM: Tea Break
11 AM: Second Morning Session: War Into Peace II
The Mahabharata
Central Eurasian Epic12:30 PM: Lunch
1:30 PM: First Afternoon Session: Evolving Doctrine I
The Gospel of Mark
The Pauline Corpus3 PM:Tea Break
3:30 PM. Second Afternoon Session: Evolving Doctrine II
The Analects of Confucius
The Gwandz6 PM: Chinese Banquet (TBA)
Sunday 25 April 2010
Prospects for Research9 AM: First Morning Session: Text Horizons
Open Discussion
10:30 AM: Tea Break
11 AM: Second Morning Session: Business Meeting
Book Possibilities
Journal Possibilities
Future Meetings12:30 PM: Lunch
In Person / *In AbsentiaStephen C Angle (Wesleyan)
A Taeko Brooks (UMass/Amherst)
E Bruce Brooks (UMass/Amherst)
Alvin P Cohen (UMass/Amherst)
Tim Lubin (Washington and Lee)
Haun Saussy (Yale)
Andrew Taylor (Ottawa)
Phil Wagoner (Wesleyan)
All abstracts and lectures posted on this site are Copyright © by their authors.
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