8-10 Oct 2004 / University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Original Orientation Note: This will be an invitational meeting at which a small number of specialists will gather to discuss, and hopefully reach a conclusion about, the date and scenario of the perennially elusive Dzwo Jwan text; and if successful in this, to explore the historical implications of that solution. The Chun/Chyou (CC) is expected to figure in that discussion, along with such vital aspects of the Spring and Autumn and early Warring States periods periods as the art and practice of war. The in-person meeting may thus develop in those directions.
We anticipate that much of the work of the Conference will actually be accomplished during electronic prediscussion on the dedicated NLN E-mail list. That discussion will include review of papers previously presented at earlier WSWG Conferences.
Friday 8 Oct 04
6 PM
Duyvendak Memorial Banquet
Saturday 9 Oct 04
9 AM
Conference Sessions
12:30Lunch (served in Conference Room)
1:30Conference Sessions
5 PMEnd of Sessions
6 PMChinese Banquet
Ssunday 10 Oct 04
Conference Sessions
12:30Lunch (served in Conference Room)
1:30Local Sightseeing Time (Further Discussions Optional)
6 PMDinner at Individual Option
In Person / *In AbsentiaA Taeko Brooks
E Bruce Brooks
Al Cohen
Connie Cook
Patrick Draine
Eric Henry
Haun Saussy
Ralph and Mei-chün Sawyer (8-9 Oct only)
*Dorothee Schaab-Hanke (Hamburg)
*Raphael Sealey (Berkelen)
*Kai VogelsangAll abstracts and lectures posted on this site are Copyright © by their authors.
30 May 2004 / Contact The Project / Conferences Page