The Fifth Northeast Conference on Chinese Thought, hosted by Manyul Im, was held on 5-6 November 2016 at the Arnold Bernhard Center (pictured above) at the University of Bridgeport. The full program is given below.
The focus of many of these papers is the Mencius. The Project's view of the Mencius is that it consists of a few interviews of Mencius with contemporary rulers, plus the writings of two posthumous schools, a northern school whose text is MC 4-7, and a southern school whose text is most of MC 2B2-3B10. See the background material on the Mencius Conference page.Below is the entire program of the NECCT 5 Conference.
ProgramSaturday 5 November
Human Nature and Motivation
Kelson Law: Action with Reflection: A Bipedal Way toward Virtue in Mencius 2A2
Dobin Choi: The Heart of Compassion: Mengzi 2A6 Revisited
Mathew Foust: Mencius, Xunzi, and William James on Human Nature and Moral Motivation
Mencius - Text and School
E Bruce Brooks: The Two Mencian Schools [paper] [handout]
A Taeko Brooks: The Problem of Mencius 5 [paper] [handout]
Chinese Medicine and Philosophy
Stephen Jackowicz: Philosophical and Intellectual Landscapes of the Medical Revision in the Song-Jin Period
Paul Marks: Medical Revision in the Song-Jin Period: Zhang Yuansu's Neoconfucian Inheritance
Nancy Wei: Humor and Prescription: Traditional Chinese Medical Nomenclature in Communication and Politics
Tim Connolly: Putting Virtues and Roles Together
Jonathan Kwan: Ethical and Aesthetic Judgement in the Analects
John Ramsey: Confucian Social Roles; Hierarchy, Injustice, and Mutuality
Comparative Philosophy
May Sim: Imagination and the Real in Zhuangzi and Plato
Bin Song: Methodology of Comparative Religion/Theology/Philosophy in the Context of Christian;/Ruist (Confucian) Dialogue
Sunday 6 November
Rhetoric, Truth, and Metaphor
Thomas Radice: To Act or Die: Political Performance in the Han Feizi
Alexus Mcleod: Truth and Formulations of the Ideal Person in the Huainanzi
Wes Demarco: Zhuangzi's Way to Nature: Metaphorical Process as Natural Process in the Inner Chapters
Bryan Van Norden: Like Loving a Lovely Sight: Simile and Metaphor in Chinese Philosophy
Michael Harrington: Proximity and Knowledge in Confucian Yijing Commentary
Joshua Mason: Walking the Moral Path: Divergent Trails and Cross-Cultural Metaphors
All abstracts, papers, and discussion materials posted on this site are Copyright © by their authors.
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