Here are the texts of some lectures given on various occasions by Warring States principals, or papers given at conferences for which no conference volume was published.
- 1998
- E Bruce Brooks, Toward Citizenship in Warring States China (AOS, Toronto)
- 2000
- E Bruce Brooks, Warring States Problems (ICANAS 36, Montreal)
- E Bruce Brooks, Competing Systems in Pre-Imperial State Formation (Waseda)
- 2001
- E Bruce Brooks, The Pentagrams of the Proto-Yi (Collège de France)
- E Bruce Brooks, Social Engagement versus Inward Turning in the Mencius (Wesleyan)
- E Bruce Brooks, The Date of the Buddha (Harvard)
- E Bruce Brooks, International Relations in Ancient China (Harvard)
- E Bruce Brooks, Nine Maxims on Translation (University of Massachusetts)
- 2003
- E Bruce Brooks, Philology in an Old Key: Lord Shang Revisited (Leiden)
- 2005
- E Bruce Brooks, Eastern Light on the Synoptic Problem (SEECR, UNC)
- E Bruce Brooks, Confucius and the Gospels (Yale)
- 2007
- E Bruce Brooks, Prolegomena to Proto-Luke (SBL)
- 2008
- E Bruce Brooks, The Many Lives of Yen Hwei (Clark)
- A Taeko Brooks, The Other China: An Ancient Philosophy of Peace (Clark)
- 2011
- E Bruce Brooks: Contact Between Warring States Texts (Chicago)
- 2013
- E Bruce Brooks: Reading the Shr Philosophically (Wesleyan)
- A Taeko Brooks: Mencius 2A2 in Context (Wesleyan)
For some AAS, AOS, and WSWG conference presentations, see the Conferences section on this site.
All materials on this site are Copyright © 1993 or subsequently by the Warring States Project or by individual author