4-7 Dec 2003 / University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Public Lecture: Warfare with Water in Early Chinese Military Practice (Ralph D Sawyer)
*indicates a (suggested reading) or a paper given in absentia
Formal Welcome: University Chancellor John V Lombardi
Early Sinitic Cultural Contacts and Geographical Knowledge
The First Chinese Buddhism (Bruce Brooks)
*Recovering the SW Route to India (Tansen Sen)
Korea from a Shan/Hai Jing Perspective (Mark Byington)
*Koguryo Toponyms and the Shan/Hai Jing (Chris Beckwith)Cultural and Political Absorption
*The Shan/Hai Jing Route Across Southeast Asia (Michele Thompson)
*On Shan/Hai Jing (Vera Dorofeeva-Lichtmann)
The Shan Jing as a Resource List for Chin (Bruce Brooks)
The Shu Absorption Process (Steven Sage)The Chin Conquest of the Chu Capital Ying
Lawyer Syi and the Chin Conquest Scenario (Bruce Brooks)
The Archaeology of the Chin Conquest of Ying (Xu Shaohua)
Legal Practice in the Chin Conquered Territories (Karen Turner)Geopolitics and the Military Texts
The Layers and Dates of the Wudz (Taeko Brooks)
Political Concept Behind an Interplay of Spatial "Positions" (1996) (Vera Dorofeeva-Lichtmnann)
The Unreality of the Military Texts (Ralph Sawyer)6 PM: Chinese Banquet
The Cultural Situation of the Gwodyen Texts
Analysis of the Date of Gwodyen 1 (Xu Shaohua)
Cultural Censorship in the Gwodyen Dau/Dv Jing (Taeko Brooks)
*On the Wenzi (Paul van Els)
*A Preliminary Attempt to Understand "Taiyi shengshui" (Carine Defoort)
The Tai-yi Shvng-shwei (Michael Puett)
The Gwodyen Wu-sying Text (Xu Shaohua)
The Formation of the Gwodyen Text Zong xin zhi dao (Dirk Meyer)
Attaining Unity: a Prevalent Trend in Guodian Texts (Ken Holloway)Roster
In Person / *In Absentia*Attilio Andreini (Università ca' Foscari, Venice)
*Chris Beckwith (Indiana)
*Barry Blakeley (Seton Hall)
A Taeko Brooks (UMass/Amherst)
E Bruce Brooks (UMass/Amherst)
Mark Byington (Harvard)
*Chiu Pengsheng (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
Alvin P Cohen (UMass/Amherst)
*Constance Cook (Lehigh)
*Carine Defoort (Leuven)
*Vera Dorofeeva-Lichtmann (L'Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris)
Patrick Draine (Warring States Project)
*Paul van Els (Leiden)
Donald E Gjertson (UMass/Amherst)
*John Hill (Cooktown, Australia)
Kenneth Holloway (Penn)
*Victoria Hui (Illinois/Champaign-Urbana)
*Andrew Huxley (SOAS, London)
*Whalen Lai (Davis)
Dirk Meyer (Leiden)
Lucien Miller (UMass/Amherst)
Michael Puett (Harvard)
Steven F Sage (Washington DC)
*Haun Saussy (Stanford)
Ralph D Sawyer (Sawyer Strategic Consultants)
*Raphael Sealey (Berkeley)
*Tansen Sen (Baruch)
*Carol Thomas (Washington)
*Michele Thompson (Southern Connecticut)
Karen Turner (Holy Cross)
*Michael Witzel (Harvard)
Xu Shaohua (Wuhan and Yale)Snowstorms on both days of the Conference officially closed the University, shut down transportation along much of the US East Coast, and prevented the attendance of several US participants. International participants, however, were on hand as expected, and the Conference itself continued on schedule.
All lectures and abstracts posted on this site are Copyright © by their authors.
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