31 Apr - 2 May 1999 / University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Sponsored by New York University

This is the second WSWG Conference to be sponsored by another institution. The costs of the conference have been met by New York University, though the actual venue is still the Amherst campus of the University of Massachusetts.

*indicates a paper given in absentia

Saturday 1 May 99

Formal Welcome: Frederick W Byron, Vice Chancellor for Research

The Classics

*Divination Songs and the Yi (David Schaberg)
The Songs of Chvn in the Shr (Bruce Brooks)
*Shr 236 (David Nivison)

Word Studies

"Poison" in Vietnamese Medical Texts (Michele Thompson)
"Victory" and "Defeat": in the Chun/Chyou (Taeko Brooks)

Coffee Break

The Shr Ji

*Sources For the Shr Ji (William Boltz)
*Authenticity and Ideology of SJ 24 (Martin Kern)
SJ 63 and the Laudz Problem (Hongwei Chen)
Response on the Laudz Problem (Moss Roberts)
The Gwodyen Implications for the DDJ (Bruce Brooks)
*Mythic Expansion in Shr Ji (Lu Zongli)


The Original Analects: Doubts and Utilities

Objections to the TOA Approach (Michael LaFargue)
Objections to the TOA Method (John Major)
Unconvincing TOA Pairings (John Makeham, in CRI v6 #2 p6-9)
Confucius the Aesthete (Bruce Brooks, ap Chong Kim-chong, MS 46)

The Gwodyen Materials and Their Relations

The Concept of the Sage (Chen Ning)
The Calligraphy of the Gwodyen Manuscripts (Gil Mattos)

Coffee Break

Gwodyen Affinities (Paul Goldin)
The Sywndz/Mencius Interchange (Dan Robins)
Mencian Economics (Taeko Brooks)
Draft Translation of Sying Dz Ming Chu 1-9 (Moss Roberts)

6PM: Chinese Banquet

Sunday 2 May 99

The Chun/Chyou and Dzwo Jwan

Armies and Leaders in the Chun/Chyou (Taeko Brooks)
War in the Chun/Chyou (Ralph Sawyer)
Yuri Pines on the Dzwo Jwan (Barry Blakeley; prediscussed on WSW)
Doubling Phenomena in the Dzwo Jwan (Eric Henry)

Coffee Break

Other Dating Issues

The Jwangdz Primitivist Chapters (Taeko Brooks)
The Gwandz Meditation Chapters (Hal Roth in EC 19)
Open Discussion: Sinological Priorities

Planning Meeting


Arch, Washington Square, New York University

The Project is grateful to Moss Roberts, Harry Harootunian,
and the East Asian Studies Program of New York University
for their support of this Conference

All lectures and abstracts posted on this site are Copyright © by their authors.

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