10-12 Oct 1997 / University of Massachusetts at Amherst

*indicates a paper distributed in advance, or given in absentia

Friday 10 Oct 97

6 PM: Duyvendak Memorial Banquet

Saturday 11 Oct 97

Exemplary Women

The Bad Last Woman Theory (Bruce Brooks)
Jing-jyang as an Exemplary Woman (Lisa Raphels)
The Mu-yi Jwan (Anne Kinney)

The Analects East and West

*The Question of a School of Dzvngdz (Bob Eno)
*The Search for Philosophical Generality in the Analects (Bruce Brooks)
*The Golden Rule in East and West (Bruce Brooks)

Coffee Break

The Gwandz

*Gwandz Chapter Dates (Allyn Rickett)
*The Rise and Fall of Early Gwandz Populism (Taeko Brooks)
Cosmology, Rights,and the Concept of Law (Karen Turner, Discussion Sponsor)
*A Dating for the Gwandz Economic Chapters (Peng Ke)

The Dzwo Jwan

*Lu Versus Chi Sources for the DJ (Yuri Pines, Barry Blakeley)
*The Validity of the 6th Century BC Data in the Zuojuan (Lester Bilsky)


The Mwodz

*MZ 17 Not a Fragment of MZ 24 (Chris Fraser)
The Rhetoric of MZ 17 (Taeko Brooks)
*On MZ 14-16 (Chris Fraser, Taeko Brooks)
The Mohist Analects in the History of Chinese Thought (Paul Goldin)

The Sywndz

*On SZ 23 (Dan Robins)
*The Career of Sywn Ching (Bruce Brooks)

Coffee Break

The Jwangdz

*The Theme of Uselessness in the Jwangdz (Dan Robins)
The Pattern of the JZ Outer Chapters (Taeko Brooks)
The Jwangdz Primitivists and the Lw-shr Chun/Chyou (Hal Roth)

6 PM: Chinese Banquet

Sunday 12 Oct 97

Myth and Methodology

The Genesis of the Figural Kungdz (Lionel Jensen)
The Three Visits Motif (Eric Henry)
A Test Case of Oral Memory (Al Cohen)

Coffee Break

History and Historiography

Survival, Revival, Legitimation, or Innovation? (Becky Childs-Johnson)
The Palace Culture Transition (Open Topic)
The 03c Innovation Controversy (Michael Puett)

Planning Meeting


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