Online ReviewsWe are sometimes asked for our opinion of a book, or encounter one that invites comment. Most of the resulting comments are online. Here is a selection of these online reviews, grouped by subject, from the Sinological and Biblical fields. They typically focus on one aspect of a book, and are not offered as balanced evaluations of the whole.
- Historiography, Chinese and Other
- The Classical Chinese Philosophers
- Dubs. Hsuntze, Moulder of Confucianism (1927)
- de Bary et al. Sources of Chinese Tradition (2ed 1999)
- Schaberg. A Paterned Past:Form and Thought in Early Chinese Historiography (2001)
- Pines. Foundations of Confucian Thought: Intellectual Life in the Chunqiu Period (2002)
- Graham. The Jwangdz Inner Chapters (2002)
- Roth. A Companion to Graham (2003)
- On The Need for an Adult Populace
- Law and Statecraft
- Vandermeersch. La Formation du Légisme (1965)
- K C Chang. Shang Civilization (1980)
- Skosey. The Legal System and Legal Tradition of the Western Zhou (1996)
- War
- Confucianism as a Religion
- Freedman and McClymond (ed). The Rivers of Paradise (2001)
- Primitive and Later Christianity
- Metzger and Ehrman. The Text of the New Testament (4ed 2005)
- Snodgrass. Stories With Intent (2008)
- Ferguson. Baptism in the Early Church (2009)
For some published reviews, see instead the Others section on this site.
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