Original Analects Supplement
Analects Worksheet: Golden Rule

EARLY (05c)
Original Confucius Sayings, recorded c0479


Early Disciple Period

LY 5:12 (c0470): Not a Confucian Maxim; Rejected by Confucius

Dzvng Family Period


MIDDLE (04c)
Early Kung Family Ritual Period


Chi Asserts Kingship, 0342
Developed Kung Family Ritual Period


Zone of Mencian Influence; Early Hundred Schools Period

LY 12:5 (c0326): Confucian Maxim; Recommended

Dwindling of Political Influence; Middle Hundred Schools Period


LATE (Tswei Shu Layer, early and middle 03c)
Chi Conquest of Sung, 0286
Early Period of Decline; Late Hundred Schools Period


Sywndz Becomes Director of Lan-ling, 0255
Responses to Sywndzian Dominance


Chu Absorbs Lu and Surrounding Territory, 0249

The double appearance of the "don't do to others what you don't like yourself" maxim, and the different treatment of the two appearances, are very striking. They suggest that something like the Golden Rule was in the air even in the 05c, but that it was antithetical to the moral temper of the Confucian movement at that time, which emphasized an absolute rather than a relative moral standard, and an extremist or one-valued posture toward that moral standard. It was only with the onset of the medialist or two-valued model of ethical value, which was more receptive to locally determined values even in ritual matters, that it became possible to incorporate the maxim into Confucian precepts.

This Supplement is Copyright © 2001- by E Bruce and A Taeko Brooks

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