Original Analects Supplement
Analects Worksheet Form

EARLY (05c)
Original Confucius Sayings, recorded c0479

LY 4:1-14, 4:16-17

Early Disciple Period

LY 5 (c0470), LY 6 (c0460)

Dzvng Family Period

LY 7 (c0450), LY 8 (c0436), LY 9 (c0405)

MIDDLE (04c)
Early Kung Family Ritual Period

LY 10 (c0380), LY 11 (c0360)

Chi Asserts Kingship, 0342
Developed Kung Family Ritual Period

LY 3 (c0342)

Zone of Mencian Influence; Early Hundred Schools Period

LY 12 (c0326), LY 13 (c0322), LY 2 (c0317)

Dwindling of Political Influence; Middle Hundred Schools Period

LY 14 (c0310), LY 15 (c0305), LY 1 (c0294)

LATE (Tswei Shu Layer, early and middle 03c)
Chi Conquest of Sung, 0286
Early Period of Decline; Late Hundred Schools Period

LY 16 (c0285), LY 17 (c0270), LY 18 (c0262)

Sywndz Becomes Director of Lan-ling, 0255
Responses to Sywndzian Dominance

LY *3:13 (c0253), LY 19 (c0253), LY 20:1 (c0251), LY 20:2-3 (c0249)

Chu Absorbs Lu and Surrounding Territory, 0249


This Supplement is Copyright © 2001- by E Bruce and A Taeko Brooks

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