Original Analects Supplement

This page gives additional notes to the TOA "Introduction." For an introduction to the present Supplement and its conventions, see instead the Preface.

The original Introduction to The Original Analects is now usefully supplemented by our Intellectual Dynamics article, which gives a general picture of the milieu in which the Analects arose and grew, and the role it played on shaping that milieu. The detailed notes below are arranged by page numbers in TOA. The letter "n" preceding a numeral means "note." For a current statement of our conclusions about the various sources, readers should consult our comprehensive on-line publication Classical Chinese Texts.

1 n3. Read instead "Norman Girardot and Lauren Pfister." Legge (pronounced "leg") was a Protean figure, difficult to compass under one rubric. The story of his life and works has perhaps appropriately been addressed from two different angles, as Girardot Victorian and Pfister Striving.

8. Some text abbreviations used in TOA have been replaced by others in our on-line publication Classical Chinese Texts, which should be consulted for fuller or more recent statements of our working hypotheses about individual texts. For the convenience of TOA readers, we continue to use in this Supplement the text abbreviations to which they have become accustomed in the original work.

8/DDJ. A Dau/Dv Jing version of our own is currently in progress.

9/LSCC. We note with pleasure that the translation of Knoblock and Riegel has now appeared. For abstracts of papers on two panels devoted to the LSCC, given under Project auspices at the AAS/2003 convention in New York, see, in the Conferences section of this site, the AAS panels entitled Converging Toward Empire and Aspects of the LSCC.

9/SBF. We no longer use this abbreviation (preferring the unmistakable "Sundz" instead). We may add that a Sundz Bingfa translation and study of our is currently in progress.

9/Shr. Note also the new revision (a rearrangement plus supplement) of Waley's translation of the Shr.

9/Shr. See our Additional Note on the Analects school's handling of the Shr. It turns out that the Analects group were more or less involved with the early stages of the evolving Shr corpus, but seem to have distanced themselves from the later evolution of that text and its commentaries, some of which came to be dominated by the Sywndz group. The same pattern of initial involvement and later distancing is seen with the use of meditation technique (originally accepted by the early Analects group, but monopolized by the so-called Dauist schools) and populist political theory (championed in LY 12-13, but after 0320 more or less ceded to the split-off Mencian school, which developed the theory to notoriously outspoken extremes).

This Supplement is Copyright © 2001- by E Bruce and A Taeko Brooks

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